Our Prairies Pumped Dry?

Save what remains of our precious National Grasslands; tell the Forest Service these areas should be off limits to the oil and gas industry!

Visit here to send a letter now:

Rare animals and plants, historic landmarks, paleontological sites, and recreational havens are threatened with the rush to squeeze every last drop of oil from the prairies of eastern New Mexico and the Texas panhandle. A proposed U.S. Forest Service land management plan would make all remaining unleased lands on federally designated National Grasslands available for oil and gas exploitation.

May 31, 2007

If energy companies get their way with our priceless prairie heritage, only scarred and pot-marked landscapes will remain of these incomparably beautiful national treasures. Act now to stop the destruction of the Kiowa, Black Kettle and McClellan Creek National Grasslands.

At stake are the some of the last remaining strongholds of black-tailed prairie dogs, Ferruginous and Swainson’s hawks, a unique grassland roadless area, and relics of Pleistocene species. Oil and gas exploitation can destroy and fragment habitat through the direct disturbances resulting from well pad construction, oil and gas well rigs, increased vehicular traffic, miles of roads, pipelines and power lines, and noise from generators and compressor stations.

Drilling in our nation’s last wild places is not the answer to the energy and climate crises. We at Forest Guardians believe that if we make the current environmentally-damaging path more difficult to stay on, it will be that much easier–politically and economically–to make the transition to positive, sustainable alternatives.

Help Forest Guardians in the push toward sustainable alternatives. Tell the U.S. Forest Service to leave our wildlands wild, not auction our prairie heritage to the oil and gas industry.

Visit here to send a letter now:

To learn more about Forest Guardians’ protection of national grassland prairies, visit here:

Forest Guardians
312 Montezuma Avenue – Santa Fe – New Mexico – 87501

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