Action Alert! Lubicon Cree Resist Pipeline!

—————————- Original Message —————————-
Subject: FW: [FOL] : Action Alert!!  Lubicon Cree
From:    “wsdp” <>
Date:    Fri, December 14, 2007 10:30 am


—–Original Message—–
From: [] On Behalf


Phone or email TransCanada and tell them no pipeline without Lubicon agreement!

This is an easy five minute action that can make a big difference-not only to the Lubicon Cree but for the rest of the planet as well.


By Phone:

1. Starting today, phone TransCanada Pipelines  — toll free
1.800.661.3805 (or in Calgary at 403-920-2000)

2. Let them know:
1. you are a concerned citizen
2. tell the company you strongly oppose any pipeline through Lubicon territory without Lubicon agreement,
3. that the company must obtain that agreement before approaching the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board.

A sample script is below but always remember that a similar message in your own words has a much stronger impact.

Hi, my name is _____ and I am calling to express my strong opposition to TransCanada Pipelines announced plans to seek Alberta Energy and Utilities Board (or AEUB) approval to build the North Central Corridor pipeline. This pipelines runs through the middle of unceded Lubicon territory and your company does not have Lubicon agreement to use their land in this way. I demand that you seek this agreement before going any further. Thank you.

By Email:

Compose your own message or simply copy and paste the above message (but write your name on the blank and change ‘calling’ to ‘writing’ of course) into your own email browser and send to the CEO of TransCanada, Harold Kvisle, c/o his “Associate” Janna Laberge at:

If you like you can also cc a copy to Stelmach at:

and the Alberta EUB at:


Friends of the Lubicon Alberta

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