Communications Working Group

The communications working group does a number of different, sometime divergent, things. It basically acts as the catch all for all our online media, social media, press outreach, and network media support during actions or high time of movement activity. The Communications WG maintains our RT facebook, twitter, email lists, and help during fundraising pushes and is the general contact for outside media trying to get a hold of Rising Tide.

If you are a Network group the Communications WG is there to help you get the word out about your actions, camps, and events. Also, the Communication WG can help you think about ways to cover your own actions and organizing efforts and push media out to the world yourselves.

You do not have to be a part of the WG to access it for help during a moment of peak activity for your group or simply to get some advice on how best to organize your media resources.

Folks interested in joining the Communications WG can help build the narrative for Rising Tide and the climate justice movement nationally, help outreach to press, and assist in pushing out media generated by local RT network chapters and allies.

If you want to get a hold of the Communications WG please email us at

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