Rising Tide North America Action Fund FAQ
Where is this money coming from and why this project?
Recently RTNA received a grant from the Max and Anna Levinson Foundation to redistribute the funds to grassroots groups working within the climate justice and climate movements. Rising Tide decided that the best way to do this was to open an application process for Rising Tide network groups and frontline community members to directly ask for microgrants to fund local, regional, or national projects. Providing “no strings attached” funding is one of the needed elements of empowering local communities to develop fights that reflect their needs and issues, as well as helping to provide a foundation for local direct action organizations and frontline voices.
What and who is it exactly that you fund?
These microgrants will fund projects that fit within the two guidelines outlined on our action fund page. We can give small grants to groups or individuals fighting infrastructure projects, corporations, banks, or anyone doing work that help forward the climate justice movement and fits within the parameters of Rising Tide’s principles. We are also giving funding priority to frontline groups, people of color, and grassroots groups fighting extraction or extraction related projects.
So, this money is going to last forever right? This fund will never die?
Well, not exactly, We hope hope hope to continue to support our network, but currently we’re working with a limited amount of money for redistribution. Rising Tide is working to receive more funding in the future, but once this grant runs out the program may or may not continue.
Once my group gets the money, then what? Do I have to track how we spend it?
There is a question on the application form that will let us know what you are going to do with the funds, so hopefully we’ll have a decent idea of what kind of project you will be engaging in. We may also call you or email you to get a better idea of what you project entails. We will need you to track how you spend the grant for our fiscal sponsor. We have a form to help with tracking your expenditures that we’ll ask you to fill out and return to us.
Is there anything else you want us to do?
Yes. We may ask to use some of the pictures, narratives, and images from your action or project to help us generate further funding for this program. You are in no way obligated to give us anything to receive the funds, but if you do we’ll be sure to check in with you and your group about how we use your images for our work in the future.
What other kinds of support is Rising Tide willing and able to provide?
There are two other areas of work that RTNA and certain local RT groups can help you with if you need it. The Rising Tide Trainers Network is available to applying groups to help with training needs, logistical questions, and moral support for your project or action. It’s not fully developed and public yet, but there are folks that can help if needed. As well, if you need outreach or media support the RTNA collective is more than happy to help with developing or distributing info, images, press material to out local groups and beyond. Please let us know how we can help.
This is great. How can I help this kind of thing continue?
We’re looking to keep this fund alive for as long as we can. We understand that we’re engaging in a potentially awkward territory by doing some fundraising from the work of local groups and organizations. We hope that as a part of this project the work that some groups do will help generate funds that we can then distribute to other groups and organizations to help them grow. In general, the more projects we all engage in, and the more open we are with our asks for funding, the higher the chance we’ll receive continued funding to distribute to local groups and frontline communities. Help us do that. Help the movement grow.
If you have any questions or feedback about this project please feel free to get a hold of us at