Rising Tide is not only committed to fighting the root causes of climate change in local communities and on the streets, but also in the minds of folks who fight with us and against us. To this end RT has a long list of published materials that we try to make available to groups in our network. We also publish a newsletter which we distribute over our general email lists along with updates from the network. Now and again we publish pieces for wider distribution in online journals, magazines, blogs, and other venues for the consumption of the wider world.
To help get what’s in the minds of the RT network out into the world we have a Working Group we call Creative Collaborations which is open to working with any members of the network or folks at large who are interested in collaborating on publishable works. This includes zines, articles, books, musicals, performance art.
Please feel free to throw your ideas at us especially if you are mulling over a project that you can’t quite figure out how to get off the ground. We can assist with editing, some writing, distribution, and certainly finding some venues to get your articles into the world.
Creative Collaborations Working Group
Some of our Published work:
Pipeline Preoccupation
Hoodwinked in the Hothouse