Climate News Shorts

Public Release: 7-Apr-2008
Purdue University
‘Revolutionary’ CO2 maps zoom in on greenhouse gas sources

A new, high-resolution, interactive map of US carbon dioxide
emissions from fossil fuels has found that the emissions aren’t all
where we thought. The maps and system, called Vulcan, show CO2
emissions at more than 100 times more detail than was available
before. Until now, data on carbon dioxide emissions were reported
monthly at the level of an entire state. The Vulcan model examines
CO2 emissions at local levels on an hourly basis.

Contact: Steve Tally
Purdue University
Public Release: 7-Apr-2008
NOAA Headquarters
NOAA aircraft to probe arctic pollution

NOAA scientists are now flying through springtime Arctic pollution to
find out why the region is warming — and summertime sea ice is
melting — faster than predicted. Some 35 NOAA researchers are
gathering with government and university colleagues in Fairbanks,
Alaska, to conduct the study through April 23.

Contact: Anatta
NOAA Headquarters
Public Release: 7-Apr-2008
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Regional nuclear conflict would create near-global ozone hole, says
CU-Boulder study

A limited nuclear weapons exchange between Pakistan and India using
their current arsenals could create a near-global ozone hole,
triggering human health problems and wreaking environmental havoc for
at least a decade, according to a study led by the University of
Colorado at Boulder.
University of Colorado

Contact: Michael Mills
University of Colorado at Boulder


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