Ain’t No Power Like the Power of the People, Because the Power of the People Don’t Stop! 30,000 Rallied in Madison Yesterday! Workers are taking over the state capitol. It’s inspiring to see (little d) democratic uprisings all over the Middle East, but also inspiring to see workers, teachers and students rising up against the corporate Tea-Baggers in Wisconsin.

Ain’t No Power Like the Power of the People, Because the Power of the People Don’t Stop! 30,000 Rallied in Madison Yesterday! Workers are taking over the state capitol. It’s inspiring to see (little d) democratic uprisings all over the Middle East, but also inspiring to see workers, teachers and students rising up against the corporate Tea-Baggers in Wisconsin.

ON WISCONSIN: Live Reports From Ground Zero for Labor Rights | The Nation
I am a seventh-generation Wisconsinite. Members of my family have known the governors of this state since its founding. Today, I wear a “Gaylord Nelson for Governor” badge that was given to me by Nelson when I was a kid. Nelson, as a U.S. senator, was the father of the Earth Day movement. But before

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