Dear Friends-
This fight to end mountaintop removal coal mining is not over. Lifelong West Virginian Larry Gibson recently said:
“Everything has to get bigger from here. We need to put our backs up against the wall and not back down.”
Mountain fighters from all over are taking these words to heart. Recently, five mountain-loving activists stopped a coal barge on the Kanawha River in West Vir ginia. The same day, dozens more blocked nine coal trucks on Larry’s home Kayford Mountain, West Virginia. Two weeks later, 22 more Appalachians (including Larry) were arrested sitting-in on Capitol Hill calling for an end to mountaintop removal.
This month in West Virginia, the Mountain Mobilization is calling for masses to join them and defend Appalachia’s land and the people by stopping strip mining. Beginning on July 25, Radical Action for Mountain People’s Survival (RAMPS) will be convening the Mountain Mobilization to shut down a strip mine and build momentum that will finish off mountaintop removal once and for all.
Join the West Virginia Mountain Mobilization by registering here.
Rising Tide North America emerged out of the Mountain Justice movement six years ago. We’ve marched, lobbied and sat-in with them. We’ve seen the terrible toll that coal mining has taken on the people of Appalachia. They aren’t backing down and neither are we.
Support the Mountain Mobilization, by donating here!
We need to make everything bigger.
Can you join us?
For the mountains, Rising Tide North America