Pull a prank that packs a punch. Fossil Fools Day April 1st 2009


Rising Tide North America and its allies are calling for a day of action against the fossil fuel industry on April 1st 2009…FOSSIL FOOLS DAY!

Confronted with droughts, extreme weather, poisoned waterways and food shortages the fools at the head of the fossil fuel empire continue to plunder the earth, with the governments as court jesters at their side.

A powerful vibrant climate justice movement is emerging world-wide. Coal plants are being shut down. Mountaintop removal is being challenged. Big oil in Canada and other parts of the world are feeling the effects of a new consciousness around global warming. Thousands are in the streets pushing the limits.

But more needs to happen. It’s time we ask ourselves, how serious are we about stopping climate change?

Climate change threatens our very survival, and weather chaos is increasingly upon on us – it is up to us to launch a global uprising against the fossil fuel industry.


Your good fight is coming soon, step right up! On April 1st, 2009 join thousands of people around the world and begin to unmask and disarm the fossil fuel empire. We would be foolish to act otherwise.

For over a century, they have been fooling with our lives. From oil extraction to coal combustion they have poisoned our air, polluted our water and ruined our climate. Now, we’re going to unmask these dangerous jesters.

Target a local fossil fool – See the clowns investing in coal? The carbon offset contortionist or the oily strong man? – and join with thousands around the world in taking one step closer to dismantling the fossil fuel industry.

Find a fossil fool in your community and pull a prank that packs a punch.

Need some ideas? We have LOTS of them for you…check out our 15 Actions to Bring Down the Fossil Fool Empire

Contact us at fossilfools (at) risingtidenorthamerica.org for info or support (media, outreach, etc)

Related Link: http://www.fossilfoolsday.org

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