Dear Friends–
34 non-violent protesters are under attack by Big Coal. Through 2009 and 2010, anti-mountaintop removal activists repeatedly put their bodies on the line to stop mountaintop removal coal mining operations in southern West Virginia. The company responsible for some of the region’s worst coal mining, Massey Energy, not only prosecuted the activists, but also filed civil suits against them in five separate suits.
Now Massey has been bought by another coal company, Alpha Natural Resources. It’s time to let Alpha know that we are paying attention and that continuing to pursue these lawsuits will only bring increased negative attention and annoyance.
CALL TODAY and demand an end to these repressive and egregious lawsuits.
Massey’s intention was to silence these anti-mountaintop removal activists with strategic lawsuits against public participation (otherwise known as a “SLAPP” suit.) For years, industry has attempted to stymie environmental and human rights activists with these suits. Don’t let Alpha continue Massey’s campaign to silence their critics.
It’s time to put an end to Massey’s dirty repressive “SLAPP” suits, call Alpha Natural Resources today.
Thanks for all you do.
For the mountains,
Rising Tide North America