Large environmental foundation is funding anti-immigrant groups. Xenophobes and racists have no place in justice movements!

Large environmental foundation is funding anti-immigrant groups. Xenophobes and racists have no place in justice movements!

The Green War On Immigrants
Environmentalists who believe in holistic diversity need to be on guard. Groups with a xenophobic agenda are seeking to inject bigotry into environmental and population issues. This film explores the Weeden Foundation, an environmental organization that finances controversial anti-immigrant groups a

This Thursday on CSI — two men are murdered right before exposing a natural gas company for poisoning the water.

This Thursday on CSI — two men are murdered right before exposing a natural gas company for poisoning the water.

CSI | Season 11 Episode 8 | Daemon’s TV
Check out photos from CSI Season 11 Episode 8 titled Fracked which airs on Thursday November 11 at 9pm on CBS. You can read all our CSI coverage

It’s bad enough that the coal industry is waging war on the people of Appalachia, but this culture war on Appalachia by the rest of the country is frustrating and disgusting.

It’s bad enough that the coal industry is waging war on the people of Appalachia, but this culture war on Appalachia by the rest of the country is frustrating and disgusting.

No, I Don’t Find Your Hillbilly Jokes Funny: Cultural Stereotyping & the Destruction of Appalachia «
I was presenting on a panel about resistance to strip mining in Appalachia at the 2010 Baltimore Radical Book Fair, and we’d made it to the question-and-answer session. Hands in the audience bolted up to ask about community-outsider activist relations, Obama’s policies on mountaintop removal and the