Eco-Restoration in Cascadia: Siskiyou Project Fall Update



While i don’t know much at all about the details of this eco-restoration

effort in the forests of southwestern Oregon-but we need to be thinking

along these lines as a beginning. Localized/regionalized eco-restoration &

rewilding efforts that involve everyone in the area (including local

sawmills  & workers).


Without salivating over the whole “Obama-mania” thing (much of it

contrived, i believe) that’s being fostered nowadays, the notion of

“policy-as-a-tactic-not-a-goal” may work resonably well under the Obama

regime-& this can manifest in the launching of such projects everywhere

)the capital can come from both the Pentagon as well as

extractive-industry subsidies).


Hell-it ain’t rocket science…& time’s running out.





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“Shane Jimerfield, Siskiyou Project” <>


December, 2008


Siskiyou Project Signs Historic 10 Year-10,000 Acre Stewardship


In November, Siskiyou Project, Lomakatsi Restoration Project

<>  and the U.S. Forest Service entered into a ten

year, ten thousand acre Master Stewardship Agreement to achieve a variety

of goals:


. Ecological Restoration & Climate Change Resiliency


. Reduce the Risk of Fire


. Community Collaboration


. Enterprise Creation


The area addressed in the Master Stewardship Agreement (MSA) is known as the

Wild Rivers Ranger District and lies within the borders of the Rogue

River-Siskiyou National Forest. Conditions within the Wild Rivers Ranger

District have changed over time from wildfire suppression and timber

harvest activities, resulting in overstocked stands and unnatural accumulations of

fuels. Forest stands have become denser, increasing fire hazard, reducing

wildlife forage, and depleting water resources needed to sustain riparian

vegetation and salmon populations. Fire behavior within the

rural/wildlands interface has an increased potential to destroy property

and threaten human lives.


The MSA brings together distinct and overlapping skills, values, and

missions. Together Lomakatsi and Siskiyou Project are equipped to address

and assist in implementing the variety of goals and objectives of the

projects which are sought by this Master Stewardship Agreement. We have

been actively engaged in development and implementation of community supported

stewardship and restoration forestry practices on these landscapes in the

past. All parties share an interest in improving the condition and

function of this landscape, not only for wildfire and fuels concerns, but also for

landscape and stand diversity. A healthy landscape provides a variety of

benefits well beyond the needs of a single species, and therefore benefits

all parties.


It is therefore mutually beneficial to work together to implement forest

restoration projects within the context of a landscape that will help

protect private property, reduce unnatural levels of forest fuels, and

ultimately restore forest and aquatic habitats.


Read more <> .



Siskiyou Project Protests WOPR


This week Siskiyou Project submitted a formal protest of the Western Oregon

Plan Revisions (WOPR, pronounced “Whopper”). Our focus was on the impacts

WOPR would bring to aquatic values, such as streams and salmon. Other

issues of concern:


. A ramp up of clear-cutting in areas presently off limits to

logging along salmon streams and in old growth preserves established by

the Northwest Forest Plan.


. Clear-cutting would destroy wildlife habitat, greatly increase

fire risk, and release large amounts of climate-warming carbon into the



. Increased clear-cutting and road-building would  increase salmon

killing sediment into local streams.


. View sheds would be scarred by road cuts and deforestation from



. Soil damage, vegetation destruction, and noise pollution would be

promoted in 7 Off Highway Vehicle emphasis area where the dominant use would

be by unlicensed offroad vehicle users.



Governor Kulongoski Rejects WOPR


Today, Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski sent a letter to the Bureau of Land

Management rejecting their Western Oregon Plan Revisions and reasserting

his support for the Wild Rogue and other important values.


In his letter the Governor, stated that the WOPR is not consistent with his

support for additional protections for the Wild Rogue – over 58,000 acres of

Wilderness and over 98 miles of Wild and Scenic Rivers additions to the

tributary streams.


Additionally, he stated “this work is the wrong approach and is legally

inconsistent with the requirements of the ESA.”


I want to thank all of you who have made phone calls, and sent letters and

postcards asking the Governor to help. He listened and made a strong

stand, and we must remember to thank him.


Read <>  more.




Support <>  Siskiyou Project

donate online now.


Shane Jimerfield

Executive Director

 <> Siskiyou Project

213 SE H. St., Grants Pass, OR 97526

Office: 541-476-6648, Cell: 541-499-2064


Learn more about the Siskiyou Wild Rivers Area and our efforts to secure

permanent protection for its globally significant wild salmon, botanical

diversity, wildlands and wild rivers at




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