—————————- Original Message —————————-
Subject: The 300-350 Show: Forests and Biofuels
From: “Phil England” <phil@switch-off.co.uk>
Date: Fri, December 12, 2008 3:47 pm
To: phil@switch-off.co.uk
Dear Friends,
THE 300-350 SHOW: Forests and Biofuels
We continue our coverage of the UN Climate Talks in Poznan, Poland where the
big issue on the table is “how to reduce emissions from deforestation”? The
big push from investors is to incorporate forests into the carbon markets,
but this approach is riddled with problems. Friends of the Earth
International has warned that this would “create the climate regime’s
biggest ever loophole.” We speak to Miguel Lovera, chair of the Global
Forest Coalition about his concerns and his proposals for an alternative way
In a stroke of genius-at the same time as the talks in Poland – European
country delegates have been working out how to increase deforestation by
agreeing new targets for biofuels for road transport. We speak to Robert
Bailey of Oxfam International and ask why this disaster has been allowed to
Forest Carbon Trading Exposed
Global Forest Coalition
Another Inconvenient Truth – Biofuels, Poverty and Climate Change
Land Clearing and the Biofuel Carbon Debt (Science magazine)
The True Cost of Biofuels
Worst EU Lobbying Award
Over 200 organisations are calling for an end to EU subsdies and targets for
EU Risks ‘Climate Time Bomb’ on Biofuels
Listen to the live broadcast/webcast
This programme was broadcast and webcast yesterday (Thursday) by
www.resonancefm.com BUT it will be repeated on Tuesday at 1-1:30pm.
ALTERNATIVELY, listen online at a time of your chosing or download the MP3
Go to the Climate Radio archive at www.climateradio.co.uk where this week’s
programme will be available SOON.
Or go to www.archive.org and search on “300-350 Show” and you will be able
to hear this week’s programme NOW.
Climate Radio back on The Ecologist website
The most recent programmes in “The 300-350 Show” series are now to be found
on The Ecologist magazine’s website at: www.theecologist.org
Kyoto2 Supplement
40 minutes extra material from our interview with Kyoto2 architect, Oliver
Tickell, is now online at www.climateradio.co.uk
Follow progress of the UN Climate Talks
Climate Action Network’s daily “Eco” newsletter
Third World Network’s Poznan Updates
Daily summary of proceedings in the “Earth Negotiations Bulletin”
UN Climate Talks (UNFCCC) website includes all formal papers plus webcasts
of meetings, press conferences and side events
Other items of interest relating to the UN Talks
Cilmate Justice Now!-audio interview with Joseph Zacune of Friends of the Earth
Bolivian president Evo Morales statement on Cilmate Change
Friends of the Earth Europe “How to Assess the Poznan Outcome”
Quick Email Action
“The 300-350 Show” is named after what is now believed to the safe level in
parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This finding is
based on the work of James Hansen and his team in a paper titled “Target
Atmospheric CO2: Where Should Humanity Aim” available at
Climate Safety
James Hansen’s findings and their implications for the UK are explored in an
accessible way in a new report which is downloadable from
http://climatesafety.org You can also watch Hansen giving evidence to the
House of Commons Environment Audit Committee here:
www.parliamentlive.tv/Main/VideoPlayer.aspx?meetingId=2908 George Monbiot
has some practical suggestions for urgent action: