Deal or No Deal is a 16 page newspaper exploring issues surrounding the upcoming UN climate talks in Copenhagen from an anti-capitalist, climate justice perspective. Deal or no Deal is an in-depth and highly accessible read that covers the history of international climate negotiations and what’s going on with them in the present. Deal or No Deal delivers a scathing critique of carbon trading, the corporate takeover of the UN climate talks, and the obstructionist role that rich nations play in the talks; while providing insight and inspiration for what we can do to fight back. And of course, it comes complete with pithy cartoons and a slick design.
Download a copy here:
(A re-sized printable version is here)
Or better yet get the real thing by emailing distro-AT-RisingTideNorthAmerica-DOT-org!
Please include how many copies you want and an address to send them to. We are happy to provide Deal or No Deal free of charge.
As an all volunteer, and rather poor collective we would greatly appreciate donations large and small to help cover printing and shipping costs, especially for larger requests!
-Rising Tide North America