** Rising Tide New Release ** The Climate Movement is Dead: Long Live the Climate Movement! In the aftermath of the COP15 talks in Copenhagen, the inability of the Big Greens, governments, and market approaches to find genuine and sustainable solutions to climate change is undeniable. As author Naomi Klein so aptly observed at the end of COP15 talks, “A particular model of dealing with climate change is dying.“ In the same uncompromising spirit as Rising Tide publications such as Deal or No Deal, and Hoodwinked in the Hothouse, The Climate Movement is Dead: Long Live the Climate Movement (CMID:LLCM) delivers a timely critique of the failures of this “particular model” as exemplified by the mainstream NGOs who have grown all too cozy with corporations and the political establishment. It explores the ways in which “green” capitalism,electoral politics, and market mechanisms, far from solving the climate crisis, are some of the climate movement’s biggest obstacles. Not content with mere polemic, CMID:LLCM charts a course that diverges from the dominant discourse of the mainstream climate movement. The essay lays out a strategy of supporting and escalating frontline struggles againstdirty energy while building a new global climate movement from the ground up, based around core principles of climate justice, grassroots power, solidarity, and direct action. The Climate Movement Is Dead: Long Live the Climate Movement is a must-read for anyone left disenchanted by the mainstream climate movement, and all who are ready to step it up and fight for climate justice. You can download a digital copy to view online or print yourself Or send us an email to contact (at) risingtidenorthamerica (dot) org with your name, address, and how many copies you would like to receive. We are happy to provide this publication for free but as an all volunteer collective we greatly appreciate donations. Also consider joining in our print run collaboration! Rising Tide North America is excited to announce a “Print-Run Collaboration” project for CMID:LLCM. Local groups and allies can help us raise the funds necessary for an initial print-run of several thousand copies, and in return, receive a big stack “hot-off-the-presses” at approximately the cost of printing (way cheaper than photocopies!). Please email us via contact (at) risingtidenorthamerica (dot) org with “Print-Run Collaboration” in the subject line for more information! Marea Creciente México: Preparing for ~ Creating Alternatives from and for Communities to Combat Climate Change: Complete Call to Action and Decentralized Organization here! ~
We are an international, pluri-national, and pluri-cultural network of activist and organizations that have come together to sound the call to action and alert the communities of the world of the dangers and catastrophes that are to come, and the possibilities we have as communities and countries that will be most effected to adapt to these changes. We demand Climate Justice and the participation of the civil society in the decision making processes being negotiated between world governments. And we are not waiting for governments or industry to negotiate our future for us. Our goal is to create spaces, mobilizations, and actions with communities in resistance and grassroots organizations to re-appropriate the Climate Change dialogue and the processes of mitigating and confronting the devastating effects of Global Warming, in a true search for Climate Justice. We consider that the the People’s Climate Dialogue and Convention should be a collective process of permanent construction, which is why we’ve decided to come together as the Marea Creciente Mexico – Rising Tide Mexico, a convergence of groups from which we will carry out a permanent dialogue that will permit us to generate collective solutions, locally and globally, to the environmental problems we all share. We also propose to help organize and carry-out Regional Climate Convergences where we will be able to draw reflexions on the state of our environment, to share insights into particular themes, and learn practical tools to confront our common problems, including workshops and all other proposals for action that can be integrated under the principles of working together, and striving for what unites us and makes us stronger. On the basis of this continuous work, and in collaboration with all who feel identified with the principles of Climate Justice, we propose the creation of the People’s Climate Convention at the end of the year in Mexico, parallel to the official UN- Conference of the Parties, COP-16. More information on this call to action and how you can get involved can be found at: http://marea-creciente.org
That’s all from Rising Tide North
No Olympics on Stolen Native Lands!
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Thousands have been out in the streets to protest the greenwash of the Vancouver games – check out the latest news from Occupied Coast Salish Territory and get the background on why people are protesting the games. Also, check out the call to action against Olympics funder and Tar Sands promoter Royal Bank of Canada on March 3rd! |
April 1st!
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The fossil fools ain’t no joke – but that doesn’t mean we can’t fight them with one! This April, join Rising Tide North America as we pull some pranks that pack a punch. Use the simply subversive to the downright disruptive: office occupations, banner drops, road blockades, clownish parades, spoof product launches, sub-vertising, leaflets, street theater, lock-downs and laugh-ins. |
Chicago N30 Legal Fund Appeal: Support the Fight Against Carbon Trading and for Climate Justice!
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On November 30, 2009, twelve activists locked themselves together in the middle of an intersection outside the Chicago Climate Exchange, in the heart of the financial district in downtown Chicago – the largest action against Carbon Trading in US history – a much-needed wake-up call to examine the so-called climate solutions that are being proposed by the government, Wall Street, and cozy alliances between corporate America and some of the big green environmental groups. Now the activists who put their bodies on the line to get a message out about false solutions to climate change need your support! |
FUNK the Warming in DC! |
DC Students for a Democratic Society and DC Rising Tide led a direct action parade against war and climate chaos, targetting the Fossil Hawks – read all about it. |
March 15-18: Climate Trial!
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Last year, Tim DeChristopher disrupted an oil and gas auction to stop climate change. Now he faces trial and ten years in prison. Time to descend on Salt Lake and tell the world: Put the polluters on trial, not the planet!
DID YOU KNOW? Rising Tide North America’s work is 100% volunteer We neither fund this operation with some secret trust fund, nor do we Fact is, we need your support to survive. Please, put yer money and We fund our work entirely upon a very tiny |
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