Hundreds of people gathered near Australia’s single largest source of carbon pollution – The Bayswater power station – for Climate Camp NSW over the last week.
Climate Camp culminated in a day of mass action where 130 campers pushed over a fence and for eight hours occupied the train tracks adjacent the power station. 110 people remained on the tracks. 73 arrests were made and 12 people locked-on, in protest of the NSW Government’s approval of ‘Bayswater B’ an additional coal-fired power station building built on the site as part of Australian Government plans to build another 12 coal-fired power stations nationally (“The Dirty Dozen”).
By all accounts (apart from perhaps the Police ;), the day was a huge success. The Camp represented a diverse range of grassroots organisations including local climate action groups, Rising Tide Newcastle, Friends of the Earth Sydney, members of the Christian movement, students, senior citizens, medical professionals, farmers, scientists, teachers and many more.
One of the major highlights was when Police arrested Bill, and 89 year old Korean War veteran who was occupying the tracks – this is his fourth arrest.
more information at Climate Camp NSW website HERE