Rising Tide Seattle Drops Banner On Wa. Gov. Inslee; “Moratorium On Oil Trains Now”


Wa. Gov. Jay Inslee Talks With RT Seattle protestors

This week at the “Years of Living This week at the “Years of Living Dangerously” screening in Seattle with Wa. Governor Jay Inslee in attendance, Rising Tide Seattle protesting the event with exploding oil trains props, received a personal visit from Inslee on the street explaining that he was in agreement with RT Seattle.

Since he still hasn’t committed to protecting the climate and Washington communities from oil trains, so he got another reminder when a banner was unfurled from the balcony of the Cinerama after the screening and Chiara Rose asked him “Isn’t it on you” to place a moratorium on oil trains? He said it was…for coal trains.

We have a lot to be proud of in our governor, but we’re not going to let him get away with this one! Let’s set a trend for safety and green jobs instead of turning into a dirty energy corridor, WA state!

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