Chemical Leak and Fire at Marathon Oil in Garyville, La

cross-posted from Lousiana Bucket Brigade

“We are disgusted to hear of yet another chemical leak & fire, this time at Marathon Oil in Garyville, just a month after Dow’s explosion in Plaquemine. The fire was caused by a leak of naptha, a toxic form of raw petrol distilled from crude oil that may contain carcinogens.

The petrochemical industry is here in LA for one reason only: to make as much money as possible. As long as our state continues to look away from fires and mushroom clouds, accidents will continue.

Workers and residents are left to bear the brunt of the industry’s negligence and predatory expansion that continue to jeopardize our health and safety.

St. John’s govt. is already parroting Marathon’s claims that the chemical release & fire are contained and no off-site impacts are detected. This release is obviously far from contained. Nearby residents are reporting aggravated asthma and other respiratory symptoms.

St. John the Baptist Parish, the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality, and all state officials owe Louisianans much more than simply broadcasting Marathon’s press release.

We will not stand for the continued spread of misinformation and attempts to cloud the truth—that the toxic chemicals in these refineries are hazardous to our health, and that the chemical industry routinely misleads us to evade accountability after major accidents.

We cannot permit more facilities that will continue to endanger workers and communities. What a disaster this is, and how dangerous for the workers in these plants. They deserve so much more.”


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