The photos are ordered from east to west around the world (New Zealand is 1st, U$A last)…
60 actions are featured here: if you have a photo from an action that is missing email it to fossilfools–AT–RisingTideNorthAmerica–DOT–org. View this post to see the slideshow!
Category: Announcements
Announcements from Rising Tide and Rising Tide affiliates and close allies. An announcement is pretty much never also a reportback!
Fossil Fools Day, April 1st: International Day of Action Against the Fossil Fuel Empire
Press Advisory: April Fools Day Actions to Target Fossil Fuel Industry
April 1st Action Guide to Fossil Fooleries
A book of ideas for action on April 1st…
Printable .pdf here! (it’s formatted for printing, not viewing)
Who are the fossil fools in your Neighborhood?
Anywhere you live, fossil fools are going to be engaging in destruction, poisoning of communities, and other filthy, climate changing business. Most of us live (sometimes ignorantly) in the shadow of toxic, combustion or extraction activities. Even if you don’t live near these points of destruction, unless your living off the grid, your utility company gets most of its energy from fossil fuels…and that’s despite any photos of wind turbines or solar panels on their website, or “green” options they are more then happy to charge you extra for on your bill.
If you’re not sure who they are, the first step to taking action on the fossil fools in your community is finding them! Continue reading