"In this age of one-click-activism, it’s worth remembering that power yields nothing without a struggle." Tim DeChristopher

“In this age of one-click-activism, it’s worth remembering that power yields nothing without a struggle.” Tim DeChristopher

Blair Mountain: A new milestone in the climate justice movement?
Protesters against mountaintop-removal mining are retracing a historic path this week, taking a new kind of risk — because the cost of inaction is just too great.

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"In this age of one-click-activism, it’s worth remembering that power yields nothing without a struggle." Tim DeChristopher

“In this age of one-click-activism, it’s worth remembering that power yields nothing without a struggle.” Tim DeChristopher

Blair Mountain: A new milestone in the climate justice movement?
Protesters against mountaintop-removal mining are retracing a historic path this week, taking a new kind of risk — because the cost of inaction is just too great.

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