CONTACT: Nancy Roberts, 415-342-8405,
On Sept. 25, Climate Activists to Target San Francisco’s Wall Street West
Demanding Divestment in Climate Destruction & Investment in Ecological Renewal
As Part of Global Climate Strike Week
San Francisco — Building on the momentum of the millions in the streets around the world at last Friday’s Youth Climate Strike, financial institutions and government organizations around Montgomery Street in downtown San Francisco will be the targets for colorful activities and protests on Wednesday, September 25, 2019 as part of the Global Climate Strike week. Activist organizations are demanding that businesses of “Wall Street West” divest immediately from fossil fuels and other climate-damaging activities and instead invest in the technologies and organizations that are focused on ecological renewal.
The day’s actions at multiple locations aim to draw public attention to the inequities and idiocies of climate-destroying investments in fossil fuel production, pipelines and fracking by major banks and organizations, while also proposing solutions. The September 25 Strike for Climate Justice SF is a coalition initiated by Idle No More SFBay, Diablo Rising Tide, 1000 Grandmothers, Society of Fearless Grandmothers, and Extinction Rebellion SFBay; public participation is encouraged.
The action will involve blocking streets, a dozen giant street murals, live music of different genres, ceremonies, street theater, speakers, and rallies. The recently formed XRSFBay Red Rebel Brigade, dressed in elaborate red costumes, will walk in a ritualized procession to embody the deep emotions around the climate emergency that are rarely expressed: grief, anger, defiance, and love for the life we see threatened.
Following the lead of the millions around the world who participated in last Friday’s Youth Climate Strike, the activists on Wednesday are carrying the message that Extraction of fossil fuels is leading to Extinction. The urgency cannot be denied:
- The World Bank has estimated there will be 140 million climate refugees by 2050
- A study in the New England Journal of Medicine finds that the WHO’s prediction of 250,000 deaths a year by 2030 from climate crisis is “a conservative estimate.”
- A 2019 report from the U.N. states that some 1 million plant and animal species are on the verge of extinction, with perilous consequences for the human species.
ClimateJusticeSF will be active for the entire business day, to maximize attention from the businesses whose immediate divestment can make a difference.
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