On February 23, 2024, the Rising Tide North America’s legal team successfully fought back against Mountain Valley Pipeline’s (MVP) frivolous attempt at an SLAPP suit against land defenders and organizations, when a VA judge (removed) Rising Tide from the case. Rising Tide North America issued the following statement:
“Rising Tide North America is a grassroots organization made up of ordinary people fighting for a better and healthier world. We are glad that MVP’s attempts to curtail free speech and intimidate failed in this case.
When fossil fuel companies feel threatened, they try to attack our basic right to protest. That’s what MVP is doing — and unfortunately, dozens of individuals and additional organizations remain in their crosshairs. We continue to stand with all those facing MVP’s SLAPP suits and resist all attempts at intimidation.
The Mountain Valley Pipeline would harm local communities, disrupt ecosystems and drinking water and continue to fuel the climate crisis. Appalachians have made it clear where they stand — yet Moutain Valley Pipeline and politicians continue to push this disastrous project. We will continue to support all local communities fighting back against fossil fuel extraction.”