Rising Tide releases “Deal or No Deal”, a primer on the UN climate talks

dondpagesDeal or No Deal is a 16 page newspaper exploring issues surrounding the upcoming UN climate talks in Copenhagen from an anti-capitalist, climate justice perspective. Deal or no Deal is an in-depth and highly accessible read that covers the history of international climate negotiations and what’s going on with them in the present. Deal or No Deal delivers a scathing critique of carbon trading, the corporate takeover of the UN climate talks, and the obstructionist role that rich nations play in the talks; while providing insight and inspiration for what we can do to fight back. And of course, it comes complete with pithy cartoons and a slick design.

Download a copy here: http://alturl.com/yvpm
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Fossil Fool Day of Action Guide to Fossil Fooleries

Target a local fossil fool … See the clowns investing in coal? The carbon offset contortionist or the oily strong man? … and join with thousands around the world in taking one step closer to dismantling the fossil fuel industry.

Find a fossil fool in your community and pull a prank that packs a punch.

Need some ideas? We have LOTS of them for you…check out our Fossil Fool Day of Action Guide to Fossil Fooleries.


Rising Tide produces several publications annually. Topics range from climate education and direct action tactics to in-depth analysis of the climate movement. We also publish a periodical newsletter and the widely distributed, comprehensive guide to climate change’s “false solutions” Hoodwinked in the Hothouse.