New York Times declares the end of the Iraq War

A Sign of the Times

..among other long-awaited happenings! The anonymous action conducted this morning was profound and  far-reaching.  From six printing locations located across the United States, 1.2 million copies of a faux edition of the New York Times made their way from the printing presses into the streets of the nation.

Not only, declares the Times, is the Iraq War over, but Thomas Friedman submits his resignation, Exxon-Mobil advocates alternative energy, a nationalized oil fund proposal passes Congress to fight Climate Change, and Monsanto defends the usage of ladybugs as more effective than pesticides.

The perpetrators of the long-planned and meticulous hoax worked long and in secret.  They are an amalgam of advocacy groups, climate change activists, and professional pranksters that routinely challenge the status quo through a broad range of activism, education, and downright foolery.

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New York Times Special Edition Video News Release – Nov. 12, 2008 from H Schweppes on Vimeo.